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What is PigOut® Cater­ing


PigOut Cater­ing is a unique full ser­vice, mobile event cater­ing busi­ness, renowned for cre­at­ing deli­cious food from fresh whole­some ingredients.


The con­cept is rev­o­lu­tion­ary and allows the busi­ness owner to work at any loca­tion for any num­ber of guests with­out the need for high street premises.

Guests at cor­po­rate and pri­vate events are WOW’d as they expe­ri­ence the Chef roast­ing and bar­be­cu­ing on-​site, enjoy­ing the fab­u­lous aro­mas from the sig­na­ture dishes includ­ing Pig Roast, Baron of Beef and Roast Lamb.

The busi­ness owner oper­ates this proven busi­ness cater­ing for a wide range of events includ­ing wed­dings, cor­po­rate lunches, sport­ing events, back­yard par­ties and fundrais­ers for 20 — 5,000 guests. The pro­fes­sional sys­tem pro­vides has­sle free off site cater­ing with a full range of north Amer­i­can made cater­ing equip­ment incor­po­rated into a cus­tom trailer or van.

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About the Own­ers



Alan and Anne Dick­son emi­grated from Scot­land in 2007 bring­ing the PigOut pro­fes­sional cater­ing sys­tem to North Amer­ica where it has flourished.

Fol­low­ing careers of over 25 years own­ing and oper­at­ing Hotels, award win­ning restau­rants and an exten­sive event cater­ing busi­ness they knew the has­sles of off­site cater­ing. Alan using his expe­ri­ence worked with engi­neers to develop the cut­ting edge PigOut Roaster and mul­ti­pur­pose out­door cook­ing cen­tre which has revolutionized off site event catering.


Anne hav­ing trained in a kitchen before pro­gress­ing into event man­age­ment cre­ated a cater­ing con­cept that is sim­ple, pro­fes­sional and works every time. Hav­ing worked in 4 and 5 star oper­a­tions she under­stood the impor­tance of atten­tion to detail and the PigOut Cater­ing con­cept is all about cre­at­ing a pro­fes­sional, high qual­ity expe­ri­ence for every client every time.


Alan and Anne have a true pas­sion for their busi­ness and a wealth of expe­ri­ence to share with their Licensees to ensure their success.

Meet Nel­son Diaz - Licensee

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At the Cen­tre of Things

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The pro­fes­sional slick oper­a­tion, truly whole­some good for you food and unique roast­ing sys­tem sets PigOut® apart from other cater­ing operators.


The Pig Out® Roaster adds a new dimen­sion to any catered event, it WOW’s your guests and becomes the cen­ter piece of any event attract­ing cus­tomers to your busi­ness. The guests expe­ri­ence the roast­ing, absorb the aro­mas, and are amazed by the Chef’s carv­ing the meat directly in front of them.


Busi­ness ben­e­fits of the PigOut® Cater­ing model include:

  • You can oper­ate this busi­ness from home with­out the need for high street premises

  • Google cloud based admin system

  • No fixed costs of rent, rates and wages asso­ci­ated with restau­rant style catering

  • You pro­vide the type of food that peo­ple yearn for, whole­some, fresh and addi­tive free

  • Labor sav­ing sys­tems gen­er­ate more profit for you

  • Pro­mote your busi­ness and be the star attrac­tion at Farm­ers Markets

  • Enjoy com­mu­nity involve­ment: cater­ing at fundrais­ers and char­i­ta­ble events


Pig Out® Cater­ing is not only unique, attrac­tive, and fun, but it also offers you an effi­cient oper­a­tion that allows you to inter­act directly with your cus­tomers. You take the credit for a fab­u­lous has­sle free feast with­out the effort and expense of tra­di­tional catering.

The Roast­ing Advan­tage


The PigOut® Roaster adapts to a wide range of cook­ing appli­ca­tions: Rotis­serie cook­ing in the ver­sa­tile bas­kets, slow roast­ing in the tem­per­a­ture con­trolled oven, steam­ing, grilling, hot hold­ing, and serv­ing all occur within this one unique piece of equipment.


The Pig Out® Roaster is fully portable on 10” pneu­matic tires, is auto­mated and does not need con­stant super­vi­sion, it pro­duces per­fect roasts that are guar­an­teed to WOW every time.
The roaster was designed and is man­u­fac­tured in North Amer­ica using the high­est qual­ity stain­less steel with direct drive motor. The PigOut® Roaster is ETL/​CSA approved.

Mobile Facil­ity

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The resource that really makes the oper­a­tion roll, lit­er­ally, is the Pig Out® Trailer/​Van. Incor­po­rat­ing walk-​in refrig­er­a­tion, prep areas and a full com­ple­ment of heavy duty cater­ing equip­ment, your busi­ness on wheels allows you the free­dom of where you work.


Your busi­ness on wheels pro­vides you with high vis­i­bil­ity mobile marketing.


Tasty Mar­ket­ing

A unique brand that is easy to iden­tify, a catchy logo that brings instant recog­ni­tion, pas­sion­ate staff and tasty food are a great start.


From our cen­tral posi­tion we help get the mes­sage out there for the whole PigOut® net­work through coop­er­a­tive efforts at local and regional lev­els. You are sup­ported with on line mar­ket­ing, pro­mo­tional mate­ri­als and strate­gic adver­tis­ing campaigns.


At Pig Out® we have taken cater­ing to another level. We know the impor­tance of a strong and clear mar­ket­ing mes­sage and we serve this up with style.

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Training & Support

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PigOut® licensees are trained in all aspects of the busi­ness includ­ing sales, mar­ket­ing, oper­a­tions, admin­is­tra­tion and train­ing staff, growth plan­ning, food prepa­ra­tion and ser­vice, food safety, net­work­ing, trailer han­dling, roaster oper­a­tion, and man­ag­ing cater­ing events to ensure com­plete guest satisfaction.


The ini­tial train­ing you are pro­vided in two seg­ments. The first stage takes place at our ded­i­cated train­ing loca­tion where you will learn the vital skills required to oper­ate the busi­ness.

Dur­ing the sec­ond stage you will work side by side with Com­pany Train­ers at your ini­tial events to ensure a suc­cess­ful start with your Pig Out® oper­a­tion.
In addi­tion, we pro­vide refresher train­ing ses­sions to con­tin­u­ally update our entire orga­ni­za­tion in hon­ing our skills, indus­try trends, and to expand on what is new and excit­ing with PigOut®.


We make sure that you start out with a solid foun­da­tion to enable you to grow your busi­ness and we are there to help you every step of the way on your jour­ney of success.


Solid Sup­port Pro­gram

At Pig Out® we sus­tain qual­ity and con­sis­tency through­out our net­work with a host of solid sup­port programs.

Our net­work pro­vides excep­tional sup­port ser­vices to each Licensee, including:


  • Oper­a­tional Support

  • Inter­nal Support

  • Mar­ket­ing Support

  • Research and Development

  • Pur­chas­ing Support

  • Over­all Pro­gram Oversight

  • Admin­is­tra­tion

You run your own PigOut® Licensee with the com­plete sup­port of a great organization.


Fre­quently Asked Questions

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Can I visit the oper­a­tion and spend a day hands on?

Absolutely we have dis­cov­ery days dur­ing Jan­u­ary annually


How long from sign­ing up to open­ing my own PigOut business?

6 – 8 weeks


Do I receive free training?

Yes, train­ing in all aspects of the busi­ness is included in your fee


Can I run this along side an exist­ing business?

Yes, you can brand as PigOut by “your other named business”


What sup­port do I receive after opening?

7 day sup­port from cor­po­rate Chef, Mar­ket­ing and Operations


Can I send other new employ­ees for training?

Absolutely; there is no charge for this service


Can I intro­duce my own menu items?

Yes, we actively encour­age this


Can I set my own prices and can they change seasonally?

Absolutely, it is your business


How do I know how much I should charge for menu items?

We train you in menu sourc­ing and costing


How do I get business?

We develop a web site for you and gen­er­ate inquiries for you. We show you how to find and keep customers


Do I pay a roy­alty on my sales?

There are NO roy­alty payments


How do I know that the monthly mar­ket­ing fee will not go up?

You 3 year con­tract guar­an­tees fixed monthly fees


What hap­pens after 3 years?

You can sim­ply con­tinue to pay the monthly fee or sell your business


Do I have to pay a new License after the first 3 years?

No, you only pay the $10,000 fee when you first pur­chase the Brand


Can I cater more than one event on any given day?

Absolutely, most of our Licensees oper­ate sev­eral events simultaneously


Can I call exist­ing PigOut Licensees to get their opinion?

Absolutely, you can call them and ask questions


Can I arrange finance through you?

We work sev­eral pre-approved lease companies


Can I bor­row from a bank?

Depend­ing upon your credit rating


Can you help me to pre­pare a busi­ness plan for my own bank?

Cer­tainly, we can assist you with this


How can I find out more?

  • Call and arrange a phone meet­ing: Call Anne on 905 650 0781

  • Arrange a visit to our St Catharines location

  • Speak with exist­ing PigOut Licensees

  • If you haven’t already check out our web site

a PigOut® Cater­ing


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  1. Sub­mit con­fi­den­tial ques­tion­naire below

  2. Tele­phone con­sul­ta­tion — your chance to ask ques­tions

  3. Dis­cov­ery day where we meet you

  4. Exe­cute license agreement

Will the license be owned and oper­ated by
How soon do you want to get into busi­ness?
Do you have hos­pi­tal­ity cater­ing expe­ri­ence?
Do you have cash por­tion of $ 10,000 CDN avail­able to pay deposit?
How did you hear about us?

We'll be in touch with you shortly

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